Profiling in Business – Behavior Analysis and Business Intelligence

Behavior Analysis and Business Intelligence

Calendar 2022:

Module 1:  September

Module 2: October

Duration: 4 days (2 modules x 2 days / module);

Description: You’ve set up a meeting with a potential client or you want to know how to approach a partner for future negotiation. What information can you collect, from where, and especially, how can you interpret it so it can help you? How can you get an edge during the meeting, being a good observer?

Imagine how well you can exploit such a moment by applying information gathering methods from Intelligence and by being prepared by former Intelligence officers (with extensive experience in collecting information from human sources) and by specialists in behavioral analysis and lie detection.

The ability to quickly identify someone’s personality and intentions can be invaluable, especially in the business environment. By combining psychology, genetics, neuroscience and behavioral science knowledge with Intelligence tools and techniques, this Profiling Business program can teach you how to “scan” a person on the spot, creating a profile that will help you better understand the one you interact with, to perceive his thoughts, emotions and intentions.

People are different and complex. If we understand the reasons that determine our behavior and those around us, we become more powerful. The profile can tell you how people will react to the environment, and how they will behave in a negotiation, in a particular position in the company structure, or in a particular team.

No matter where you work (in procurement, recruitment and evaluation or negotiation, management and audit) the ability to achieve a psychological profile can be a very useful tool in the business environment.


  • Business Intelligence and Organizational Behavior
  • Behavior analysis and assessment
  • Neuropsychology and Behavioral Genetics
  • Verbal and non-verbal language – interpretation
  • Lying Detection Techniques. (FBI Method, CIA Method, FACS – Facial Action Coding System)
  • Open Source Information Intelligence (OSINT)
  • Collecting information from human sources (Human Intelligence – Elicitation – Intelligence specific method used with low-motivated sources to provide information)
  • Techniques and methods of achieving a psychological and organizational profile
  • Exercises and case studies

Institute of Business Competitive Intelligence
+40 721 764 305;;